
Advantages of Microlearning in Corporate Learning Programs

Advantages of Microlearning In Corporate Learning Programs

Advantages of Microlearning

Modern companies need corporate training solutions that are easy for employers and employees.

Microlearning-based training fits that bill. It is a somewhat new concept that organizations are slowly adapting in the hope of addressing today’s common learning challenges.

Let’s discuss microlearning in the workplace and how corporate learning programs can benefit from bite-sized training delivery.

What Is Microlearning?

Microlearning is a way of learning that involves digesting short, focused nuggets of information. Rather than sitting down and taking an hour-long training course, the information is broken into multiple two-to-nine-minute intervals.

Corporate microlearning can provide excellent formal training, but it’s also useful for delivering supplemental knowledge. Even MIT suggests that the ideal learning video should be 6 to 9 minutes long.

This entire learning philosophy is based on performance gain and engagement. Microlearning in the workplace takes a learner-centric angle that utilizes video. And we all know that video can convey much more information than a simple training manual.

Advantages of Microlearning In the Workplace

It’s understandable why some professionals are hesitant about jumping on this new learning trend. But there are many benefits to microlearning in the workplace and in company learning programs.

(By the way, Xcelus’ LIMESMART uses online microlearning to make your company’s online compliance training fast and efficient.)

Knowledge Retention

Corporate learning programs are only effective if employee performance improves as a result. Thanks to the Ebbing Haus Forgetting Curve, we forget about 50% of what we just learned within one hour. Microlearning eases mental overload, which leads to higher knowledge retention.

Accelerates Training

Microlearning in the workplace can replace long-form learning by doing trainings once a month in 10-12 short microlearning courses. This helps employees learn specific topics fast by presenting relevant information right away in a broken-down format.

Keeps Training Fresh

Microlearning can also remind employees each month of what they learned after taking the long compliance course. So, microlearning in the workplace can provide supplemental knowledge boosts to keep training fresh on their minds.

Boosts Employee Engagement

According to Gallup, only 15% of employees feel engaged at work. Microlearning keeps the compliance department engaged with employees each month vs. once a year. This translates into improved morale, motivation, and overall corporate performance.

Mobilizes Learning

A significant advantage of microlearning in the workplace is mobilization. The modern professional is always on the go with a smart device in hand. Studies show that 70% of learners feel more motivated when training on a mobile device rather than a desktop. Bit-sized online training programs enable learning from anywhere at any time.

Conclusion and Takeaways

From a production standpoint, creating microlearning courses is much easier than designing lengthy programs. Microlearning-based training is also more affordable, more agile, easier to update, and leaves a higher impact on employees.

Ultimately, it’s up to your corporation to decide which learning modality aligns best with your goals. However, this approach to learning should not be overlooked as more and more young professionals become accustomed to short-form media.


ELogic Learning. “THE ROLE OF MICROLEARNING IN CORPORATE TRAINING: Effective Uses, Research, and Examples.” 2018.

Guo, Philip  J., et al. How Video Production Affects Student … – MIT CSAIL. 2014, http://up.csail.mit.edu/other-pubs/las2014-pguo-engagement.pdf.

Shail, Mrigank S. “Using Micro-learning on Mobile Applications to Increase Knowledge Retention and Work Performance: A Review of Literature.” Cureus vol. 11,8 e5307. 2 Aug. 2019, doi:10.7759/cureus.5307

“State of the Global Workplace Report.” Gallup.com, Gallup, 20 Nov. 2021, https://www.gallup.com/workplace/349484/state-of-the-global-workplace.aspx.

Below is a sample microlearning course about Accurate Records and Reporting

To see additional microlearning courses go to https://www.xcelus.com/limesmart/

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