
Compliance Training – PowerPoint Course vs Paid Options – is it Worth the Cost?

PowerPoint Slide versus Animation for Compliance Training

Compliance Training – PowerPoint Course vs Paid Options

A corporate contact recently asked me to help justify paying for an online compliance training course when the company had a good PowerPoint slide deck that employees and partners could review and sign upon completion.

The question of PowerPoint deck vs professional training courses really depends on a company’s compliance training purposes and philosophy. Is the goal to just check a box to ensure that training was completed? Or is it to create a culture of learning by delivering a training course that is viewable, understandable, and provides learning? Sometimes PowerPoint slides are sufficient for certain types of training, however for compliance training and the risks you are trying to mitigate with employees and 3rd party partners, should be worth the extra effort and cost to provide a quality training program.

Mandatory training, such as compliance training, should be the best training a company offers their employees and partners. Compliance training, especially Code of Conduct and Ethics course, is the face of a company’s most important training. A company sets the tone of its commitment to ethics and values through quality compliance training for employees.

Of course you don’t need to bust your budget to develop a Hollywood version of Code of Conduct and Ethics training.  There are plenty of good options and vendors who specialize in developing compliance courses.  Do your research and find a vendor that will consult and work with you to achieve the results you need to be successful.

Custom Course Development

If your company is looking for a custom compliance training courses, Xcelus can deliver. Contact us to discuss your needs and receive a custom quote.

Stand out from the crowd and create training that your employees would want to see.

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